Opportunities to create an environmental step change

January 2018
Common Cause Foundation

This one-page document summarises the key recommendations of the report Where now for the environment movement? Weathercocks and signposts ten years on.

this if...

  • You don’t have time to read 'Where now for the environment movement? Weathercocks and signposts ten years on', but want to see the key recommendations in short summary form.

Key Takeaways

  1. Trust and empower people
  2. Root campaigns and communications in intrinsic (or ‘compassionate’) values
  3. Avoid appealing to extrinsic (or ‘self-interest’) values
  4. Collaborate beyond the environmental sector
  5. Call-out public policies and institutions that embed extrinsic values

Toolkit resources

Why fundraise?

Is there a way to fundraise without being in direct competition with other charities?

Do you feel like a fraud?

Are your communications engaging people as citizens or consumers?

Free gifts and supporter journeys

Exploring some of the challenges posed by the pressures of short-term fundraising

Reasons to volunteer

Reflecting on intrinsic motivations to volunteer

Value surveys and maps

More information on the two values surveys that Common Cause draws on in its work

Material tested in our experiments

Further information on the texts used in the study with WWF and Scope

Summary of published research

A summary of results from research into priming values

Other resources
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Common Cause Foundation: A Toolkit for Charities

Weathercocks and signposts: the environment movement at a crossroads

Where now for the environment movement? weathercocks and signposts ten years on

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