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Tom Crompton
After Donald Trump's most recent inauguration, we agree with George Lakoff that supporting artists is fundamental when it comes to paradigm shift.
Elsie Roderiques
A summary of the Values in the Media conference in November 2024, where media professionals gathered at the historic St Ethelburga's in London to grapple with such questions and explore the complex relationship between media and cultural values as part of the Values in the Media project.
Tom Crompton
In this blog, Tom explores how social dominance orientation (a construct in social psychology used to measure a feeling of entitlement to dominant others) can be considered a driver of many of the social and environmental crises of our day.
Elsie Roderiques
A recent study in Chilé: ‘journalistic values from an audience perspective’ , recognises the “importance of the human touch in journalism". Elsie unpacks this and looks at the role that values might have to play in facilitating this in her latest blog
Ruth Taylor
When you hear the word 'values' what do you think of? As a word it has many meanings. In this blog, Ruth explores the often overlooked, but potentially transformative power of values for social and environmental justice.
Tom Crompton
Tom explores the small but growing literature on “behavioural spillover effects”
Elsie Roderiques
We need a news media that recognises the impact it has on our collective values and what we see as important in the world
Tom Crompton
Reflecting on conversations with Indigenous people on human values
Ruth Taylor
It's not only about policies; it's also about the ways of seeing the world we promote in our efforts to advocate for those policies.
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