The cows aren’t laughing: the psychological effects of meat, egg and dairy advertisement

The excess of meat advertising in our public spaces has become so normalised that we wander past giant images featuring the products of cruelty, violence and death multiple times every day, without stopping to question it. What does this say about our culture and how we are encouraged to relate to animals, and each other? […]
This Barbie Wants Narrative Change

[This blog contains (minor) spoilers of the Barbie movie.] Undoubtedly, there can be very few human beings on the face of the planet that have managed to escape the knowledge that, this summer, a new pink-tastic blockbuster movie hit cinema screens across the world. Directed by the once indie-filmmaker, Greta Gerwig, the Barbie movie came […]
Are we beginning to see a backlash in the mainstream against the excessive importance placed on extrinsic values?

This week, a group of online ‘influencers’ have come under fire for sharing glowing videos of a paid trip to a factory in China owned by controversial fast fashion retailer, Shein. The company has previously been accused of abusing workers and breaching rules around working hours. The public reaction to what has been called “propaganda” […]